Sunday, December 30, 2012


It's been a long winding trail, with no end in sight; I must prevail
A crossroad approaches
With no guide by my side, I'm destined to be my own guiding light
Suffering the darkness
Torment haunting the essence of my existence in it's darkest hour
Wind chills this lonesome ridge
To synchronize my heart; weeping it's tears of misery with an icy dart
Try it on for size
Left with the moon to swallow my thoughts; it's shadow I will follow
Riding the tides of time
Oh wailing winds of destiny have ye forsaken even me? So empty
Is your eerie temptation
A floating raft when I'm drowning at sea but never to be seen?
How dare you trick me?
And how naive was I to venture out; a vulnerable soul am I, no doubt
Another lesson learned
To keep building this fortress of stone; even spirits catch colds
It's inevitable

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